What role can artificial intelligence play in cloud computing?

What role can artificial intelligence play in cloud computing? Cheersonic

With the rise of artificial intelligence, everyone has high hopes for its future. In the case of cloud computing, mentions of it started in the late 1990s. However, modern cloud computing was first proposed by Amazon in 2006.

If business owners start to apply the concept of cloud computing, they can reach many heights and this should be one of their top priorities. By 2025, every enterprise is expected to implement cloud computing.

The combination of cloud computing and artificial intelligence is doing wonders for the world of business and technology. With the combination of the two, the world can develop rapidly. This article will explore the interdependence between artificial intelligence and cloud computing.

What role can artificial intelligence play in cloud computing? Cheersonic

What is cloud computing?

Simply put, cloud computing is the process of providing on-demand computing services. This includes servers, databases, software, storage, and more. With cloud computing, you basically only pay for your services. It reduces the overall cost of operating and running the infrastructure.
The use of artificial intelligence and cloud computing can increase the efficiency and productivity of any activity. So, what role can artificial intelligence play in cloud computing?
For businesses, AI and cloud computing ensure that products are developed quickly and processes are efficient and productive. It leaves little room for errors in the development process and ensures that the product is delivered to customers on time, which is exactly what they like.
Optimization for DevOps

DevOps is basically a combination of software development and IT. This combination allows organizations to deliver their services faster. This approach can be implemented in almost any field or company.
With the help of cloud computing, cloud providers such as Oracle, IBM, Azure, etc. can provide complex and extensive platforms. These platforms include data science, API and machine learning platforms.
There are also many other data science platforms on cloud servers that teach AI APIs. There is no doubt that these services will bring many new talents to the field of artificial intelligence.
Simplify the use of cloud computing
The use of cloud computing is much simpler due to the automation provided by artificial intelligence. This is because the intelligent automation of artificial intelligence uses pre-set algorithms to perform actions and tasks. Because all algorithms are pre-set, these tasks are more specific and more accessible.
When a particular business decides to connect to the cloud, it can provide a set of data that AI will then identify patterns and trends within. Not only does it eliminate any human error that could be made, but it also takes data analysis to a whole new level.
Reduce Costs

The most attractive factor in using AI in conjunction with cloud computing is its dramatic cost reduction. With the cloud model, you only need to buy storage space in the cloud, instead of spending money on infrastructure development.
Another thing is that with the combination of cloud computing and artificial intelligence, you can make a solution that suits everyone’s needs. If done on traditional infrastructure, the cost would be very high, but with cloud computing and artificial intelligence, the cost can be significantly reduced.
The rise of virtual assistants

With the help of cloud computing, businesses can start developing more advanced automated chatbots and virtual assistants. While the concept already exists in many e-commerce stores, it’s far from perfect.
While some organizations use physical robots to respond to customer needs, it may be easier for consumers to access them if their systems are entirely cloud-based. This is certainly an area that will improve over the next few years.


Many people have mixed predictions about the use of artificial intelligence and cloud computing. Their analysis of this varies according to its use. However, one thing is for sure: cloud computing plays a vital role in the evolution of artificial intelligence.

Source: Content from Bitnet.

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