Fuel Cell Catalyst Coating Process

Fuel Cell Catalyst Coating Process – Ultrasonic NozzleCheersonic

Fuel cells, also known as electrochemical generators, use fuel and oxygen as raw materials to partially convert the chemical energy of the fuel into electrical energy through an electrochemical reaction. Depending on the type of electrolyte, there are six main types of fuel cells: proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), methanol fuel cells (DMFC), phosphate fuel cells (PAFC), alkaline fuel cells (AFC), molten salt fuel cells (MCFC) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). Among them, the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) has become the mainstream fuel cell product in the market today, with significant dominance in shipments due to its high efficiency, low temperature and fast start-up, zero pollution and low noise.

Fuel Cell Catalyst Coating Process - Ultrasonic Nozzle - Cheersonic

The reactor system is the heart of the hydrogen vehicle. The reactor is mainly composed of catalyst, proton exchange membrane, gas diffusion layer, and other structural components. The hydrogen fuel cell accounts for 40% of the cost of the vehicle, while the power stack accounts for 62% of the cost of the fuel cell system. The fuel cell stack is mainly composed of a single fuel cell, which in turn includes a bipolar plate, a sealing ring, and a membrane electrode (MEA), of which the membrane electrode includes a proton exchange membrane, a catalyst layer and a gas diffusion layer.

Catalysis is the catalytic action that enables charge transfer reactions at the interface between electrode and electrolyte to be accelerated. The speed of electrocatalytic reactions is not only determined by the activity of the electrocatalyst, but also by the electric field within the bilayer and the nature of the electrolyte solution. The catalytic layer is the site where the electrochemical reaction takes place and is the core part of the electrode.

There are three types of catalyst, low platinum, platinum-based and non-platinum, which are relevant to the performance and lifetime of the fuel cell stack. The current commercial catalyst commonly used in fuel cells is Pt/C, usually with high specific surface area carbon piggybacked on platinum nanoparticles, followed by a uniform dispersion of the platinum-carbon catalyst on the electrode surface.

Cheersonic’s fuel cell catalyst coating systems are uniquely suited for these challenging applications by creating highly uniform, repeatable, and durable coatings. Using the company’s patented ultrasonic spray head technology, it can spray uniformly and efficiently on proton exchange membranes and gas diffusion layers. Uniform catalyst coatings are deposited onto PEM fuel cells, GDLs, electrodes, various electrolyte membranes, and solid oxide fuel cells with suspensions containing carbon black inks, PTFE binder, ceramic slurries, platinum and other precious metals. Other metal alloys, including Platinum, Nickel, Ir, and Ru-based fuel cell catalyst coatings of metal oxide suspensions can be sprayed using ultrasonics for manufacturing PEM fuel cells, polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzer, DMFCs (Direct Methanol Fuel Cells) and SOFCs (Solid Oxide Fuel Cells) to create maximum load and high cell efficiency.

The advantages of ultrasonic coating in the fuel cell catalyst coating process include:
1.Excellent stiction “adherence” to PEM; optimal for high vibration fuel cell applications such as automotive parts.
2.Low diversion pressure can reduce waste of overcoating and air pollution
3.Intermittent or continuous operation
4.High transfer efficiency.
5.no blockage
6.Utilization> 95%
7.Corrosion resistant stainless steel and titanium construction