Advances in Drug-Loaded Balloons and Cutting Balloons

Advances in Drug-Loaded Balloons and Cutting Balloons – Medical Coating – Cheersonic

While most PTCA balloons are considered surgical aids in recent years, technological advancements have brought PTCA balloons back to center stage. The technological progress of PTCA balloon is most obvious in drug-eluting balloon (DCB) or drug-eluting balloon (DEB).

Drug balloons use the same antiproliferative drugs as drug-eluting stents (DES) to prevent neointimal growth from clogging blood vessels. Ironically, this scar tissue formation is caused by a tear in the lining of the blood vessel caused by the expansion and stretching of the PTCA balloon. Drug balloons can also be used to treat coronary stent-induced restenosis, as well as peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

Other commonly used special balloons, such as cutting balloons, cut calcified lesions by increasing the pressure around the balloon. Cutting balloons are generally used when conventional PTCA balloons cannot be adequately inflated. This vascular preconditioning aids in adequate stent expansion in these difficult-to-treat lesions.

Another revolutionary innovation is undoubtedly the sonic balloon catheter. When the ultrasonic balloon catheter uses ultrasonic waves to present the stones, reflected waves are generated on the surface of the stones, and the surface of the calcifications will be compressed and ruptured. When the ultrasonic waves completely pass through the stones, they will be reflected again, and this reflection will generate tension waves. The stone ruptures when the strength is greater than the expansion strength of the stone. However, ultrasonic waves continue to propagate and gradually attenuate in the liquid or liquid-like soft tissue medium, and do not cause damage to the soft tissue.

Image source: MedTF

Advances in Drug-Loaded Balloons and Cutting Balloons - Medical Coating

The Balloon Catheter Coating System is a special spray system designed for drug eluting balloons that provides a uniform drug coating to the balloon catheter through ultrasonic spray technology. Ultrasonic Coating System can also be used to adjust and control the deposition process of drug coatings for different liquid formulations. With the help of a special fixing device design, the entire balloon catheter can be sprayed with a maximum spraying length of 280 mm., It also has the functions of solvent doping, pre-heating, humidity control, and drying. The equipment has the characteristics of precise application amount, uniform film layer, and high utilization rate of chemical liquid. Cheersonic has extensive experience in surface coating of implantable medical devices (such as drug stents and balloons), and can provide customers with complete solutions.

Cheersonic is the leading developer and manufacturer of ultrasonic coating systems for applying precise, thin film coatings to protect, strengthen or smooth surfaces on parts and components for the microelectronics/electronics, alternative energy, medical and industrial markets, including specialized glass applications in construction and automotive.