The role and influence of flux on sensor circuit boards

The role and influence of flux on sensor circuit boards – fluxing systems – Cheersonic

We know that flux is used on circuit boards during the sensor manufacturing process. Flux is used to wet the pads, activate the molecules, and make soldering easier to complete, but it must be at a sufficient temperature to fully function. If the amount is too large, there will be too much residue during soldering, which will affect the electrical conductivity. If you use furnace iron to re-solder, in fact, it is to reactivate and volatilize. Of course, it can be solved, but it will cause a lot of unnecessary work. But flux residue may affect the quality of the entire sensor.

The role and influence of flux on sensor circuit boards - fluxing systems

When the flux used has a lot of residue after welding, the viscosity is large, the corrosion is large, and the insulation resistance does not meet the requirements, which will affect the electrical properties and three-proof performance of the welded part, the flux residue needs to be removed. Flux cleaning is critical to ensuring circuit reliability, because flux residues not only affect the appearance of the PCB, but can also cause short circuits and corrosion, reducing or damaging the quality of the PCB.

In order to save trouble, some small manufacturers choose to ignore the residual flux during production, and a series of problems will occur in the sensor in the later stage, such as power flow, easy leakage, degradation of sensor PCB performance, and short-circuit burnout.

Therefore, generally in the process of manufacturing sensors in Dashen, there will be an additional process: cleaning the flux. There are three purposes for this:

1. Prevent flux residue, eliminate PCB performance degradation and short circuit hidden dangers in the future.

2. Remove foreign objects and prevent short circuit

3. Beautiful

Fully automatic multi-axis ultrasonic solder spray flux system with precise selective area flux function. Advanced dot programming capabilities; simply import an image of the PCB and highlight areas that require flux. Ideal for trays and PCBs with unnecessary flux. It has been proven to reduce flux consumption by up to 93%.

The fully automatic multi-axis ultrasonic solder spray flux system has advanced spray accuracy, and the maintenance amount is reduced by 95% compared with the traditional pressure spray flux. All fully automatic multi-axis ultrasonic solder spray flux systems have ultrasonic spray performance that is non-blocking, repeatable, and low-maintenance.