How Many Years Can A Stent Be Used?

Does the bracket have a lifespan? How many years can I manage after heart stent surgery? This is also an issue that patients are very concerned about.

How Many Years Can A Stent Be Used Heart Stents Coated
Strictly speaking, the stent does not have a life issue. After the stent is implanted in the narrow part of the blood vessel, it is expanded by the airbag, and the mesh metal structure will be firmly embedded in the blood vessel, and finally completely fused together, so once the stent is placed successfully, it cannot be removed.

It should be noted that the stent itself is a foreign body. Overall, about 3% of patients will experience restenosis in the stent and require re-intervention. But as long as you insist on taking the medicine and adjusting your lifestyle, most patients do not need to worry about the service life.

At present, heart stents are still one of the most direct and effective methods for the treatment of coronary heart disease. However, stent installation does not mean that coronary heart disease is cured. Patients still need to take medications, follow up regularly, and adjust their lifestyles to control blood sugar and blood lipids. relapse.

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