Bio Fuel Cells Coating

Bio Fuel Cells Coating – Fuel Cell Catalyst Coating Systems – Cheersonic

Among all the type of fuel cells, the biological fuel cells or bio fuel cells are the ones converting bio-chemical energy into electrical energy. In bio fuel cells the substrate is carbohydrate (as biomass) and the catalyst is an enzyme or a microorganism. Bio-mass is prepared from the organic wastes of animals and plants. Since ages, this biomass is being used as the principal source of energy by people. Out of all particularly it is the wood which was being used as basic resource of energy until the inception of the industrial revolt in 18th century when, the use of new energy sources based on fossil fuels, like steam engine, coal, petroleum, and the internal-combustion engine dominated the energy supply.

Bio Fuel Cells Coating - Fuel Cell Catalyst Coating Systems - Cheersonic

Cheersonic’ s fuel cell catalyst coating systems are uniquely suited for these challenging applications by creating highly uniform, repeatable, and durable coatings. Using the company’s patented ultrasonic spray head technology, it can spray uniformly and efficiently on proton exchange membranes and gas diffusion layers. Uniform catalyst coatings are deposited onto PEM fuel cells, GDLs, electrodes, various electrolyte membranes, and solid oxide fuel cells with suspensions containing carbon black inks, PTFE binder, ceramic slurries, platinum and other precious metals.

1.Capable of coating PEMs with very small liquid sample sizes (only 10ml of catalyst solution necessary to coat multiple PEMs). Ideal for R&D phase.
2.Ultra-low flow rate capabilities
3.The spray beam is highly controllable for reliable and consistent results.
4.Significantly reduced machine downtime for maintenance
5.Spraying proton exchange membrane with high uniformity and good adhesion
6.Heating plate, vacuum plate or combination of heating plate and vacuum plate
7.Non-clogging atomized spray that does not deviate.

Chinese Website: Cheersonic Provides Professional Coating Solutions