Balloon Catheter

Balloon Catheter – Balloon Catheter Coating Systems – CHEERSONIC

In 1977, Swedish doctor Gruentzing successfully performed the first percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), marking the beginning of interventional medicine. As a young and energetic professional technique, interventional therapy has attracted more and more people’s attention for its advantages of small trauma, safety, and reliability. In the past 30 years, especially in the past 10 years, interventional therapy has developed rapidly. According to statistics, about 2.5 million patients worldwide have received coronary interventional therapy. At the same time, the scope of interventional therapy has developed from the original coronary artery to intracranial nerves, carotid arteries, renal arteries and veins, and even almost all blood vessels in the body.

Balloon Catheter - Balloon Catheter Coating Systems - CHEERSONIC

As one of the main instruments of intracavitary interventional therapy, the balloon catheter is not only used for the pre-dilation and shaping of blood vessels, but also the delivery platform of stents, as well as the precise shaping after stent placement. It is important in interventional therapy. Sex is self-evident. As the heart of balloon catheters, medical balloons have always been one of the focuses of catheter design, development, and performance optimization. With the advancement of design and manufacturing technology, the performance of medical balloons has been greatly improved, and their applications in medical devices have become more extensive.

Cheersonic has extensive experience in surface coating of implantable medical devices (such as drug stents and balloons), and can provide customers with complete solutions.