Spraying Carbon Nano Tubes

Spraying Carbon Nano Tubes – Nano Coating System – Cheersonic

Nanomaterials, such as carbon nanotubes, metal oxides and nanoclays are typically manufactured as a dry material, but when made wet as a sprayable coating will agglomerate or clump due to the cohesive nature of these materials. Ultrasonic spray technology is ideal for breaking up agglomerates in solution.

Spraying Carbon Nano Tubes - Nano Coating System - Cheersonic

Cheersonic ultrasonic nanomaterial coating systems are uniquely suited to spraying nanosuspensions like CNTs, nanowires, perovskite, graphene, and others. Due to the inherent ultrasonic vibrations of the nozzle the energy breaks apart agglomerated particles in the suspension the liquid subjected to continuous mechanical vibrations during the entire coating process without damaging the material. This is particularly beneficial where uniform dispersion of functional nanoparticles is required. Other spraying techniques, in comparison, cannot disperse agglomerates, and clog easily.

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