Fuel Cell Catalyst Coating Equipment

Fuel cell technology for lightweight, compact fuel cell stacks is one of the keys to accelerating electric vehicles, and the technology is maturing rapidly. Automotive-type fuel cells require coatings on bipolar plates, and the demand for such coatings is expected to explode in the coming years. With Cheersonic’s decades of experience in coating technology, we can provide industrial-scale ultrasonic coating solutions to reduce the cost per coat.

Bipolar plates are separators in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. They need to be coated with a protective film for consistent performance and long service life. The coating needs to be highly conductive while preventing corrosion and oxidation, with a guaranteed service life of at least 5000 hours.

Cheersonic bipolar plate coating equipment is able to meet these requirements, which has been proven in tests by numerous well-known companies and academic research institutes.

Fuel Cell Catalyst Coating Equipment - Fuel Cell Coating - Cheersonic

Cheersonic’s ultrasonic fuel cell catalyst coating equipment produces highly durable, uniform carbon-based catalyst ink coatings without membrane deformation on the electrolysis process of fuel cells and proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzers such as Nafion. Uniform catalyst coatings are deposited on PEM fuel cells, GDLs, electrodes, various electrolyte membranes, and solid oxide fuel cells in sprayed suspensions containing carbon black ink, PTFE binder, ceramic slurries, platinum, and other precious metals. Ultrasonic spraying of other metal alloys, including platinum, nickel, iridium and ruthenium based fuel cell catalyst coatings of metal oxide suspensions can also be used to make PEM fuel cells, polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzers, DMFC (direct methanol) fuel cells) and SOFCs (solid oxide fuel cells) can generate large loads and high cell efficiencies.