24 02, 2024

Start PEM Hydrogen Electrolyser Manufacturing

By |2024-03-01T01:21:44+00:00February 24th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Start PEM Hydrogen Electrolyser Manufacturing

Start PEM Hydrogen Electrolyser Manufacturing Start PEM Hydrogen Electrolyser Manufacturing With Ultrasonic Spray System. The application of ultrasonic spraying systems in membrane electrode manufacturing has made new breakthroughs, and PEM hydrogen electrolyzers are now being produced. The advantages of using ultrasonic spraying systems in membrane electrodes include: 1. Uniform dispersion: The ultrasonic spraying system uses the principle of high-frequency vibration to evenly disperse the paint in the form [...]

22 02, 2024

Manufacturing of MEA for fuel cells

By |2024-02-05T04:36:14+00:00February 22nd, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Manufacturing of MEA for fuel cells

Manufacturing of MEA for fuel cells Manufacturing of MEA for fuel cells - Ultrasonic Coating - Cheersonic Research in proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) and direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC) has matured to a point where, in addition to fundamental research in new catalysts, membranes and other materials, manufacturing processes used to make the various components in a fuel cell are drawing much needed attention. One of the [...]

21 02, 2024

Spray Pyrolysis Equipment for Thin Film Organic Solar Cell

By |2024-03-01T01:21:43+00:00February 21st, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Spray Pyrolysis Equipment for Thin Film Organic Solar Cell

Spray Pyrolysis Equipment for Thin Film Organic Solar Cell Ultrasonic spray pyrolysis equipment for Thin Film Organic Solar Cell fabrication. This system utilizes the energy generated by sound wave vibration to evenly spray paint onto the material surface through a nozzle, forming high-quality nano films. The application of ultrasonic spraying system in thin film organic solar cells has multiple advantages. Firstly, it can achieve more uniform spraying of [...]

20 02, 2024

Ultrasonic Spraying of Alkaline Fuel Cells

By |2024-02-05T04:31:52+00:00February 20th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Ultrasonic Spraying of Alkaline Fuel Cells

Ultrasonic Spraying of Alkaline Fuel Cells Ultrasonic Spraying of Alkaline Fuel Cells - Cheersonic Alkaline Fuel Cells (AFCs) are easy to handle, have very high electrical efficiency and are very suitable for dynamic operating modes. They can be built into small compact systems as well as in large power plants. AFCs were the first practically working fuel cells capable of delivering significant power, particularly for transport applications. The [...]

18 02, 2024

Ultrasonic Spraying of Membrane Materials

By |2024-02-05T04:27:59+00:00February 18th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Ultrasonic Spraying of Membrane Materials

Ultrasonic Spraying of Membrane Materials Ultrasonic Spraying of Membrane Materials - Cheersonic The most widely used class of membrane materials today for the PEMFC are of the perfluorinated sulfonic acid (PFSA) type. However, they have the disadvantage of being inherently expensive due to the complex fluorine chemistry involved in their fabrication and too expensive to extent their application. Indeed, the Nafion based membrane shows complete domination in mechanical, [...]

16 02, 2024

Ultrasonic Spraying of GDL

By |2024-02-05T04:19:20+00:00February 16th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Ultrasonic Spraying of GDL

Ultrasonic Spraying of GDL Ultrasonic Spraying of GDL - Ultrasonic Coating - Cheersonic The gas diffusion layers (GDL) are a fibrous porous medium that has two main functions: to ensure a uniform distribution of reactive gases on the surface of the electrodes, and the transport of electrons to or from the external electrical circuit. Gas diffusion layer (GDL) is a crucial component which is mainly responsible for the [...]

14 02, 2024

Membrane Electrode Preparation Methods

By |2024-02-05T04:12:20+00:00February 14th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Membrane Electrode Preparation Methods

Membrane Electrode Preparation Methods Membrane Electrode Preparation Methods - Ultrasonic Coating - Cheersonic Membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) are the core components of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell and consist of three key materials: the proton exchange membrane, the catalyst, the gas diffusion layer and the frame. The commonly referred to membrane electrode assembly is a seven-layer membrane electrode, including the proton exchange membrane, the anode catalyst layer [...]

12 02, 2024

Ultrasonic Spraying of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells

By |2024-02-05T04:06:03+00:00February 12th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Ultrasonic Spraying of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells

Ultrasonic Spraying of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells Ultrasonic Spraying of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells - Cheersonic The molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) systems represent one of the most flexible systems for in-situ and stationary electrical power plants, because of their high electrical efficiency and possibility to supply hydrogen produced by different raw fuels. The main principles of MCFCs are based on SOFCs and the other types of fuel [...]

10 02, 2024

Ultrasonic Spraying of PEMFCs

By |2024-02-04T08:28:16+00:00February 10th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Ultrasonic Spraying of PEMFCs

Ultrasonic Spraying of PEMFCs Ultrasonic Spraying of PEMFCs - MEA Coating - Cheersonic The extensive commercialisation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) is still limited by several technical challenges, which have been identified as performance, cost, and durability. Especially, actions are required to reduce the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) cost. The membrane’s microstructure can be considered as a fine mesh at either edge with a network of [...]

4 02, 2024

Ultrasonic Spraying of Perovskite onto ITO Glass

By |2024-02-05T08:09:39+00:00February 4th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Ultrasonic Spraying of Perovskite onto ITO Glass

Ultrasonic Spraying of Perovskite onto ITO Glass What is the experimental process of ultrasonic spraying of perovskite onto ITO glass? Let’s take a look! First, let’s understand the background of this experiment. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, perovskite materials are increasingly used in solar cells, LEDs and other fields. Ultrasonic spraying technology, as an emerging coating technology, has the advantages of good coating quality and [...]

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