14 04, 2024

Ultrasonic Spraying for Producing MEAs

By |2024-04-10T05:45:10+00:00April 14th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Ultrasonic Spraying for Producing MEAs

Ultrasonic Spraying for Producing MEAs The performance upgrade of fuel cell stack! Ultrasonic Spraying for Producing MEAs. The new patent reveals ultrasound spray technology to make film electrode components. Membrane electrode components are the core components of the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell heap. Its manufacturing process has a vital impact on the performance and durability of fuel cells. Recently, a new patent revealed the method of making [...]

10 04, 2024

Spray Coating Nafion Membrane

By |2024-04-10T03:03:15+00:00April 10th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Spray Coating Nafion Membrane

Spray Coating Nafion Membrane Ultrasonic Spray Coating Nafion Membrane. Ultrasonic spraying technology for high-performance proton exchange membrane fuel cell electrode manufacturing. The manufacturing technology of the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) significantly affects the performance and durability of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. In our company's research, ultrasonic spraying technology has been used to manufacture gas diffusion electrodes of different sizes, up to 1000 cm2. Catalyst ink [...]

6 04, 2024

Ultrasonic Spray PEM Hydrogen Production Technology

By |2024-03-18T06:38:20+00:00April 6th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Ultrasonic Spray PEM Hydrogen Production Technology

Ultrasonic Spray PEM Hydrogen Production Technology The ultrasonic spray PEM hydrogen production technology has broad application prospects in the fields of energy and transportation. With the increasing global demand for sustainable development and clean energy, hydrogen as a clean and renewable energy source will play an important role in the future. PEM fuel cells, as an efficient energy conversion technology, have relatively low costs and higher energy density, [...]

4 04, 2024

Low Platinum Load Film Electrodes by Ultrasonic Spray Method

By |2024-03-18T06:23:12+00:00April 4th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Low Platinum Load Film Electrodes by Ultrasonic Spray Method

Low Platinum Load Film Electrodes by Ultrasonic Spray Method Preparation of Extremely Low Platinum Load Film Electrodes Based on Ultrasonic Spray Method - Cheersonic Recent studies have invented a proton conductive polymer for the usage of HTPEM fuel cells. PBI membrane (phosphoric acid doped polybenzimidazole) has proven to be very useful for HTPEM fuel cell applications. There is a tremendous potential in these membranes for further research. They [...]

2 04, 2024

Ultrasonic Nozzle Atomizing For MEA

By |2024-03-18T06:12:59+00:00April 2nd, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Ultrasonic Nozzle Atomizing For MEA

Ultrasonic Nozzle Atomizing For MEA Ultrasonic Nozzle Atomizing For MEA - Electrode Spray Coating - Cheersonic In both Solid Polymer Electrolyte (SPE) and Fuel Cell MEAs the principle function of the MEA is to efficiently control the flow of electrons liberated at the electron donating reaction (the anode) to the electron accepting reaction (cathode). This is typically achieved by separating the cathodic reaction from the anodic reaction by [...]

31 03, 2024

Major processes in fuel cell MEA production

By |2024-03-18T06:02:10+00:00March 31st, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Major processes in fuel cell MEA production

Major processes in fuel cell MEA production Major processes in fuel cell MEA production - Ultrasonic Coating - Cheersonic To be able to generate electricity, the proton exchange membrane must be coated with catalyst on both sides of the film. The coating process must be able to ensure that the thickness of the catalytic layer is uniform and that defects such as cracks, particles, open bubbles, edge effects [...]

29 03, 2024

Carbon Paper Coating

By |2024-04-08T01:00:16+00:00March 29th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Carbon Paper Coating

Carbon Paper Coating Carbon Paper Coating - Benchtop Coater - Cheersonic Gas Diffusion Layers (GDL) are key components in various types of fuel cells, including Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM), Direct Methanol (DMFC) and Phosphoric Acid (PAFC) stacks as well as in other electrochemical devices such as electrolyzers. In fuel cells, this thin, porous sheet must provide high electrical and thermal conductivity and chemical / corrosion resistance, in addition [...]

27 03, 2024

Ultrasonic Spray Coating for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

By |2024-03-12T02:20:47+00:00March 27th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Ultrasonic Spray Coating for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Ultrasonic Spray Coating for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Ultrasonic Spray Coating for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - Cheersonic Ultrasonic spraying can provide the throughput, scalability, quality consistency, roll-to-roll compatibility and low material waste required for scalable production of large solid oxide electrochemical cells. Cheersonic's ultrasonic equipment is suitable for spraying catalyst solutions containing carbon black ink suspension, platinum slurry and other precious metal solutions. From R&D to production, [...]

25 03, 2024

Hydrogen Fuel Cells Electrode Coating

By |2024-03-12T01:55:54+00:00March 25th, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Hydrogen Fuel Cells Electrode Coating

Hydrogen Fuel Cells Electrode Coating Hydrogen Fuel Cells Electrode Coating - Coating Machine - Cheersonic Fuel cells are future power devices. These convert chemical energy stored in fuel (hydrogen or methane) to electrical energy. Fuel cells have an edge over combustion engines, in terms of producing electricity The by-products of fuel cells are water and heat which are pollution free. Furthermore, the heat energy produced can further be [...]

23 03, 2024

Ultrasonic Coating for PEM Fuel Cell Electrode Manufacturing

By |2024-03-25T04:40:10+00:00March 23rd, 2024|Energy, NEWS|Comments Off on Ultrasonic Coating for PEM Fuel Cell Electrode Manufacturing

Ultrasonic Coating for PEM Fuel Cell Electrode Manufacturing Ultrasonic Coating for PEM Fuel Cell Electrode Manufacturing - Cheersonic Hydrogen fuel cell is an electrochemical power generation that combine hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, with water as byproducts. Fuel cells based on the electrolyte they employ. This classification determines the kind of electrochemical reaction that take place in the cell, the kind catalysts required, the temperature range in [...]

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